Faith in Jesus through Jewish history

Tuvia is a Jewish history nerd who lives in Jerusalem and believes in Jesus. If you’re interested in the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, how the relationship between Christianity and Judaism has been going along during the past two thousand years, and how Messianic Jews in Israel, like him, navigate the whole identity-crisis that occurs when they *gasp* dare to believe in the Messiah of Israel, then you just might enjoy his writing.

Join Tuvia’s mailing list – and receive his short story “Holy Reverence” for free. A story taking place in 530 AD.

Support Tuvia with a one-time gift – and receive his eternal gratitude.

Support Tuvia monthly on Patreon – and receive free access to early drafts of his books and all short stories he’ll ever write.

Tuvia writes articles on different topics at and and he keeps a blog right here on this page. He has also featured in other publications and podcasts.

In the blog, he tries to remind you that belief in Jesus is a Jewish faith, but that we also shouldn’t turn Israel into an idol. You can also check out his take on whether Christians should study rabbinical literature and whether we should say Jesus or Yeshua. He also has something to say about “going back to ancient roots” – would that be Catholicism or Judaism? For more history-nerdity, don’t miss his blog about the separation between church and synagogue.

Tuvia is also involved in his local Messianic congregation where he recently finished preaching through Song of Solomon, in Hebrew with English translation. Now, he is going through the book of Job.

Most of the fiction Tuvia writes is still unpublished, but Patreons can get early access to it. He is currently focused on editing and rewriting his first novel, “The Secret scroll of Magdala.” Anyone who supports him at $10 a month or more gets access to the early drafts of the book (which he thinks is a bit embarrassing, because he will rewrite big parts of that again). Tuvia has also written two short stories so far. One is available for free to anyone who signs up to his mailing list, and the other one is a Christmas story for Patreons of $5 and up.

If you are a publisher, you are welcome to express interest. Contact Tuvia’s agent, Patricia Riddle Gaddis at Heart Song Literary Agency. “The Secret Scroll of Magdala” lends itself to be part one of a trilogy, if there is enough interest.

Tuvia’s life-project goal is to write a long series of independent novels of historical fiction that together will span the time of Jesus until modern time. Some of those stories will be stand-alone books that one can read independently, others might be trilogies or duologies. All of them will fit together, as they will all depict different aspects of the history of the people of Israel and of the church throughout the centuries.

Imagine, one story set in ancient Rome. Another one in the Byzantine Empire in the 400s. Another one during the time of the Crusaders. Maybe another one about the Jews in China in the 13th century. One about the writing of the Talmud in the 300s in Babylon. Maybe one about the ancient Ethiopian Christians. Maybe one about the Jewish pirates in the Caribbean. A bunch of stories set during the inquisitions, the exploration age, the holocaust, modern Israel, etc. You can either read them all chronologically, or just pick an era you like and read about that.

Tuvia intends to have finished writing that entire series by 2060.

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